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The Bridge To Investment Education

What is Altrix Connect?

Altrix Connect does not offer investment education directly. Yet, it is involved in the investment education acquisition process. Altrix Connect’s involvement in offering help to those willing to learn about investment comes into play by sourcing investment tutors and connecting people to them through its website.

Investment teaching classes do not hold on Altrix Connect. Instead, it holds on the websites of investment education companies. People can log in to the companies’ websites with their customized IDs, create their learning profiles, access study curriculums, give reviews, and ask questions on unclear discussions.

What Altrix Connect does in terms of an investment education is to share snippets of core investment topics on its website, preparing people for the extensive learning process when connected to investment teachers. Altrix Connect is easy to use and you can register on it for free. People should tap the registration button to register and submit their names, emails, and phone numbers.


Financial Literacy with Altrix Connect


Access Suitable Knowledge

Altrix Connect exposes people to investment education firms they would not have easily found or connected to for various reasons. Altrix Connect connects people fast to these firms to get core investment knowledge. The knowledge shared by these firms is in-depth and provided in easy-to-grasp terms.

Ask Questions in Real-Time

On some platforms where education takes place through pre-recorded videos, it is often impossible to ask questions live. Questions are often sent via emails or dropped as comments.

These questions may take forever before being attended to. In some cases, they may remain unattended, limiting the knowledge the learner should have gathered. Things are different with Altrix Connect's investment education partners, as questions are asked and answered in real time.

Test Knowledge Gathered

With Altrix Connect’s education partners, people are not just bombarded with investment knowledge or excessive information that may be unrelated to investment education in class.

Instead, investment tutors dish out relevant investment knowledge and regularly test learners’ understanding with quizzes and homework. Want to learn and take tests? Register on Altrix Connect.

Why Get Investment Education through Altrix Connect?

Inclusion and Diversity

Altrix Connect embraces people from all walks of life to learn about investment. Altrix Connect does not segregate against gender, language, race, country, region, beliefs, or religion.

Free and Speedy Registration

People can register fast and for free on Altrix Connect. Altrix Connect also does not request any sensitive documents from people during registration.


Whatever data people submit on Altrix Connect is not displayed for public view. Received personal information goes to investment education companies.

The Meaning of Investment


An investment is an asset a person can buy, hold, and resell to try for gains. Earnings can only be made when the asset's value appreciates. On the contrary, the asset can depreciate as a result of risks, causing an investor to lose instead.

People can hold investments for short or long-term, depending on their financial goals and risk tolerance, and choose an investment strategy to help them pursue those goals. Register and connect with investment education companies on Altrix Connect to learn more about investment, risk tolerance, and investment strategies.

Common Misconceptions about Investment

Investment education firms teach people about general and specific investment topics. The firms also show people the different investment strategies, debunk investment myths and misconceptions, and analyze the different investment types, risks specific to them, and their mitigation techniques. We discuss the different investment myths and misconceptions below:


Investments Bring Sudden Wealth

While investments may bring massive capital gains to people, it is not a get-rich-now or instant money-making plan. Investments can require people to hold an asset long-term (for at least a year) before making possible gains. Returns are not guaranteed because of unfavorable government policies or laws, market conditions, and economic recessions.

It Requires Huge Amounts

Many people believe investment requires huge amounts only. In other words, investing is exclusive to the wealthy. It is untrue because anyone can invest any amount. People often start by investing with low amounts.

Diversification will Automatically Prevent Risks
Diversifying a portfolio will not automatically protect a portfolio from risks.

Gold is the Best Shield from Inflation
While gold as an alternative investment can guard against volatility, it cannot completely prevent inflation.

Saving Beats Inflation than Investing
Often, many fear the possibility of money losing its purchasing power due to inflation.

As a result, many would rather save their money where it can be accessed or withdrawn whenever they sense inflation than invest it in assets, especially long-term illiquid assets that may attract inflation. It is worthy of note that saving and investment can be affected by inflation.

Investment Costs have no Effects

This is untrue, as investment costs can reduce an investor’s possible returns, especially on the high side. To minimize investment costs, one may reduce investment frequency, invest long-term, and invest in assets with expense ratios. To learn more about investment myths, misconceptions, and truths from investment education firms, register on Altrix Connect to connect to them.

Learn Investment Strategies via Altrix Connect

People who seek to manage risks and try for investment returns often rely on certain strategies. Investment strategies often guide an investor in pursuing their financial goals. Some investment strategies include active, index, buy-and-hold, socially responsible, passive investing, tactical asset allocation, and dollar cost averaging.

Active investing involves frequent investing to try and exploit favorable market conditions. These investors constantly monitor the market to identify a favorable time to invest. This strategy responds quickly to the market and allows for a personalized portfolio. On the contrary, it requires a high-risk tolerance and engagement. For index investing, investors match the market and try for returns by tracking an index. Index investing allows diversification and attracts low costs but cannot beat the market.

Buy-and-hold investors buy and hold investments they believe will perform well years later. This passive investment strategy makes investors less worried about short-term market price falls as they hold these investments long-term. The buy-and-hold strategy has reduced costs and may yield high returns but is prone to loss and fluctuations. Learn more investment strategies from investment tutors by registering on Altrix Connect.


Principles Guiding Investment Strategies

An investment strategy should be based on factors including portfolio management choice, personal goals, and risk tolerance. Portfolio management choice focuses on personal or professional management. An investor may want to manage their portfolios solely or hire the services of an institutional investor. Some investors may decide to completely hand over their portfolios to the professional portfolio manager hired or be partially involved in the process.

An investor’s long or short-term goals can guide them in choosing certain investment types. The risks a person can take will also determine their investment choice, as some investments attract higher risks than others. Below, we discuss some of the risks investment strategies mitigate:

Equity Risk

Equity risks cause an investor to lose money due to shares’ market price reduction. Equity risks manifest in other ways, like a company losing value due to restructuring and an investor receiving zero or low dividends. Some ways to mitigate equity risks may include asset allocation, diversification, and maintaining liquidity.

Credit Risk

Credit risk is the loss an investor experiences when a bond issuer defaults in paying their principal or interest at maturity. Challenges of credit risk mitigation include economic volatility and zero visibility into a borrower’s credit risk.

Reinvestment Risk

Reinvestment risk applies when an investor has to reinvest their interest or principal at a lower rate (than the initial rate). This risk is often caused by economic cycles and falling interest rates and affects mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), fixed-income securities, and dividend-paying stocks. Reinvestment risks may be mitigated by active portfolio management and diversification.

Currency Risk

Currency risks occur when a person invests in another country or currency. This risk is often associated with market sentiments, exchange rate issues, and economic fluctuations. Other strategies to manage currency risks include dynamic currency hedging, financial derivatives, and natural hedging. Discover more about investment risks from investment tutors by signing up on Altrix Connect.

Distinguishing Between Market Volatility and Bubble

Market volatility is how much an investment price changes over time. In other words, it is an up-and-down stock price movement. The stock market experiences volatility because of economic developments, changes in leadership, global events, and natural disasters. Market volatility may be managed through portfolio adjustment or rebalancing.

A market bubble is when the price of an asset rises significantly above its original value. It differs from market volatility as the price does not fluctuate. Types of asset bubbles are commodity, stock market, asset market, and credit bubbles. Factors contributing to asset bubbles are increased technological product demands and low interest rates.


Learn About Behavioral Biases and Risks via Altrix Connect

The three behavioral biases and risks expressed during market volatility are herd behavior, loss aversion, and affect. Herd behavior concerns making decisions during this period based on others’ knowledge or actions instead of personal knowledge.

Loss aversion shows people process investment losses and gains differently. Due to certain losses, some investors may change their investment strategy without caring whether it does not match their financial goals.

Affect is an emotional approach to processing information. In this case, good or bad emotions can affect the decision-making process. Also, the fear developed from processing certain investment information can cause people to rate risks more than they are.


Demystify Market Risk Premium via Altrix Connect

Market risk premium is a risky investment return rate. To calculate a market risk premium, the risk-free rate from the expected rate of return. Expected, required, and historical market risk. Connect with investment education firms on Altrix Connect to get each market risk premium breakdown.

Negotiable Financial Instruments

Bills of Exchange

Bills of exchange is a legally binding document indicating a sum of money a party (drawee) must pay to another party (payee).

Promissory Notes

Promissory notes are written documents showing the amount a payor owes a payee when to pay, and the interest rate.

Money Orders

Money orders are payment methods issued by a financial institution. It indicates a specific amount two parties agree to take as payment for a product or service.


Checks are issued by financial institutions to individuals who use them as forms of payment. Financial institutions follow the written order’s bearer’s name and amount indicated before issuing payment.

Bearer Bonds

Bearer bonds are issued by governments and corporations who may pay bondholders regular interests.

Certificates of Deposit

Certificate of deposit is a savings account sold by financial institutions like banks and credit unions. It may give buyers higher interest rates than the traditional savings account.

Get Investment Literacy Through Altrix Connect

Investment education has become a crucial part of investment today, as it helps refine the investment world and open people's minds to additional and suitable knowledge. To get investment literacy and expand existing knowledge, people can register on Altrix Connect.


Altrix Connect FAQs

Which Devices is Altrix Connect Accessible on?

The Altrix Connect website is accessible on all devices and operating systems. The website grants everyone the liberty to register and connect with investment tutors.

How Long is the Investment Education?

Altrix Connect’s investment education partners design the learning curriculum and assign learning duration to each course. So, the investment tutors are in the best position to state how long the learning program takes, not Altrix Connect.

How Fast is Registration on Altrix Connect

Registration on Altrix Connect is fast, as it only requires the submission of people's names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Altrix Connect Highlights

🤖 Sign-Up Cost

Registration free of charge

💰 Fee Structure

Completely fee-free

📋 Method of Registration

Simple and expedient signup process

📊 Educational Content

Focuses on Digital Currency, Stock Market, and other Financial Instruments

🌎 Market Coverage

Covers most countries but does not include the USA

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